
The obesity rate was high in İzmir and the Aegean Region, which are famous for their Mediterranean cuisine. Türker Karabuğa MD said that the obesity rate is 28 percent in the Aegean, 33 percent in the Marmara and Black Sea regions, 32 percent in Central Anatolia, and 20 percent in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia.

One of the doctors of the Kordon Obesity Center, Türker Karabuğa MD noted that the obesity rate in Turkey is increasing towards the west. Dr. Karabuğa said, “The rate of obesity is low in the eastern and southeastern regions due to active life and natural nutrition. Even if they eat fat, they do not get fat. The obesity rate increases as you move west. The change in our eating habits and the tendency to fast food-style ready-to-eat foods, the sedentary life brought by technology, the time spent at the desk, in front of the computer and television are effective in the formation of obesity. It is necessary to prefer healthy and natural foods, to do regular sports, to be more active during the day, to drink plenty of water.

Pointing out that obesity is increasing rapidly in the world and in Turkey, Karabuğa said that 13 percent of obesity patients in the world live in America and 15 percent live in China and India. Obesity is the second most common preventable death after smoking in the United States.


Pointing out that Turkey’s obesity rates have reached dangerous levels, Karabuğa said, “According to TURDEP data, the prevalence of obesity in women in Turkey has exceeded 44 percent, and it has exceeded 27 percent in men. On average, two out of every five women and one in three men struggle with obesity. The reasons why obesity is more common in women can be explained by our physiological and social characteristics. Pastry-based foods are consumed on the days organized by women. The metabolic rate of women is slower than men.


Stating that the picture of obesity in children has reached frightening dimensions, Karabuğa said, “Currently, the prevalence of childhood obesity in Turkey is over 10 percent. This is a pretty scary number. The whole world is trying to take precautions against obesity. Because it is very difficult to fight the additional diseases brought by obesity. This struggle creates serious health costs. Obesity causes Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder diseases, joint disorders, sleep apnea, reflux disease, paralysis, asthma, menstrual irregularities. It reduces fertility, can cause fatty liver that can go up to liver failure, and causes an increase in some types of cancer. In addition to all these, it significantly impairs the patient’s psychology and life comfort.


Dr. Karabuğa said that they performed bariatric surgery (tube stomach) and diabetes surgery (transit bipartition) operations in the obesity and advanced laparoscopic surgery center. Expressing that the body mass index value is calculated while classifying obesity patients, Dr. Karabuğa said that patients can also calculate their own values.
Stating that this value is obtained by dividing the person’s weight by the square of their height in meters, Dr. Karabuğa said: “If the value is between 18.5-25, it is considered as ideal weight, if it is 25-30, it is considered as overweight, if it is 30-40, it is considered as obesity, if it is 40-50, it is considered as morbid obesity, and if it is above 50, it is considered as super obesity. This evaluation guides us in the decision of surgery, diet and gastric balloon treatments.”


Underlining that sleeve gastrectomy is the most valid treatment method for people who cannot get rid of their excess weight with diet, physical activity or medication, Dr. Karabuğa stated that the most commonly applied bariatric surgery method in the world and in Turkey is the sleeve gastrectomy sleeve gastrectomy.

Karabuğa said: “The method is an anatomical and physiological method. It is the process of removing approximately 80% of the stomach together with the part of the stomach that secretes the appetite hormone (Ghrelin) with the laparoscopic (closed) surgery technique that lasts for 30-60 minutes. Having a body mass index of 35 and above, having an additional disease or a body mass index of over 40, in the presence of obesity for at least 3 years and at least twice in 6 months, tried and failed methods such as diet and sports, serious bleeding problem that prevents surgery Bariatric surgery is suitable for patients between the ages of 18-65 who do not have a serious psychiatric disorder and do not have alcohol-substance addiction. We start walking our patient 3 hours after the operation. We host you in our hospital for 3 days. We give a special diet after surgery. For the first 12 days, she is fed completely with liquid foods and special nutrition products that we provide. She is fed soft foods for the next 15 days. After completing our first month, we switch to solid foods. At these stages, our dietician supports our patients. We check our patients on the 10th day, in the first, second and third months, and then every three months. Weight loss is rapid in the first 6 months in patients.

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