
Let's take a look at this rule that every patient who has had a weight loss operation often hears;

One of the most important rules to be followed after sleeve gastrectomy and other bariatric surgeries is solid-liquid separation. The main basis of this rule is to avoid liquid intake 30 minutes before, after and during meals in solid form. Although it may sound like a difficult rule to implement, one of the changing dietary habits of our patients throughout the process is the solid-liquid rule, and after a while, they apply this rule without even realizing it.

So why is the solid-liquid rule so important? What does it do?

The reason why we do not want to take liquid before meals is that we cannot get enough protein during the meal with the stomach filled with liquid. In addition, the solid that encounters the liquid in the stomach cannot find enough volume, causing the patient to come back, that is, to experience nausea and vomiting. Muscle loss and mineral-vitamin deficiencies are seen in patients who take insufficient protein, which is a situation we do not want in the weight loss process.

The disadvantages of taking fluids during and after meals are the risk of dumping syndrome and stomach enlargement. The solid foods that are eaten are digested in the stomach and absorbed by passing into the small intestines, although it takes about 3 hours, depending on the consistency of the food. Since the liquid consumed during and after the meal will soften the form of this solid and pass from the stomach pouch to the small intestines before the digestion is finished, it can both reduce absorption and cause dumping syndrome.

Another reason is stomach enlargement. The stomach will expand when liquid is sent to the stomach, which is already small and completely filled with edible solids. Continuing these habits can lead to increased calorie intake and weight gain, along with stomach enlargement.

You should follow your surgeon's recommendations for accurate and effective information after the operation. Although the rules may seem difficult from the outside, the results you will get are very valuable. You are not alone in this process, contact our bariatric team.

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