
What is Obesity?

cObesity becomes an issue when body fat tissue exceeds 25% in adult men and 30% in adult women.

How is Obesity Determined?

  1. Body Mass Index:

It is the most widely used method in the world. It is calculated by using the person’s height and weight values.

Body Mass Index(BMI)=Weight(kg)/Height²(m²)

BMI ≤ 18.5 Underweight

BMI = 1.8-24.9 Normal

BMI= 25-29.9 Overweight

BMI = 30-40 OBESE




EXAMPLE: Is a 160 cm tall and 108 kg 32-year-old man obese?

BMI=108 kg/(1.6)²m² =108/2.56=42.1kg/m²= MORBID OBESITY

  1. Waist circumference (cm) / Hip circumference (cm) Ratio

0.85 in women

If it is more than 1.0 in a man, he is obese.

  1. Waist Circumference Measurement (cm):

Risky High Risk

MEN ≥ 94 ≥ 102

WOMEN ≥ 80 ≥ 88

Obesity Surgery

Surgical treatment is used in the following cases:

  • Surgical treatment: Before resorting to surgical methods, the patient should be subjected to detailed analyzes to determine that the obesity is not caused by any genetic, endocrine, neurological (such as hypothalamic dysfunction) pathology or drug use. Otherwise, cause-oriented treatment should be preferred.
  • when the body mass index is over 40
  • in individuals between the ages of 18-60
  • if the obesity has existed for at least 3 years
  • In the absence of hormonal disorders
  • when the individual has been unable to lose weight for at least 1 year despite drug and diet therapy,
  • Those who are not addicted to alcohol and drugs
  • If the patient understands the method to be applied and is able to adapt after the surgery
  • Patients with acceptable surgical risk.

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