
Obesity surgery includes surgeries performed for the treatment of obesity disease, which is characterized by abnormal fat increase due to the excess of energy intake with food over the energy consumed and which disrupts the health of the body. The need for obesity surgery is mentioned when the fat tissue in the body exceeds 25% in adult men and 30% in adult women.

What is Obesity?

Obesity occurs as a result of the body taking in more calories than it can expend and is graded according to classifications in body mass index. Obesity can be mentioned if the body mass index obtained as a result of the evaluation of the height and weight ratio is above 30. Obesity is also known as fat accumulation in the abdomen and internal organs. Abnormally high levels of fat in winter can cause cholesterol, heart disease, vascular blockages and similar health problems. Being overweight can cause breathing difficulties and many other health problems. The World Health Organization defines obesity as the accumulation of fat in the body at a level that endangers health. The energy coming from food is more than the body can burn, which can cause this disease.

How is Obesity Detected?

One of the most curious issues about obesity surgery is how obesity is diagnosed. Obesity can be detected as follows;

1. Body Mass Index:

It is the most widely used method in the world. It is calculated with the person's height and weight values.

Body Mass Index (BMI)=Weight (kg)/Height²(m²)

BMI≤ 18.5 Underweight
BMI= 18.5-24.9 Normal
BMI= 25-29.9 Overweight
EXAMPLE: Is a 32-year-old man, 160 cm tall and weighing 108 kg obese?

BMI=108 kg/(1,6)²m² =108/2,56=42,1kg/m²= MORBID OBESITY

2. Waist circumference (centimeters) / Hip circumference (centimeters) Ratio

0.85 for women

If it is more than 1.0 in men, obesity can be mentioned.

3. Waist circumference measurement (cm):

Risky High Risk

MALE ≥ 94 ≥ 102

WOMAN ≥ 80 ≥ 88




Izmir Obesity Surgery

Before applying for obesity surgery, the person should undergo detailed examinations and it should be revealed whether obesity is caused by any genetic, hormonal, neurological (such as hypothalamic dysfunction) pathology or drug use. Otherwise, treatments aimed at eliminating the cause should be applied.

Obesity Surgery is used in certain cases:

People with a body mass index of 40 and above
In obese individuals aged 18-60 years
If the obesity problem has existed for at least 3 years
In the absence of hormonal disorders
Failure to lose weight for at least 1 year despite efforts to eliminate obesity with medication and dietary practices
No alcohol and drug addiction
Understanding the method to be applied and being able to adapt to the new lifestyle after surgery
People with an acceptably low risk of surgery
Who Can Obesity Surgery Be Performed?
Obese individuals with a body mass index over 35 constitute the most suitable patient group. People with a body mass index between 30-35 and who have additional conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea caused by excess weight are also among the people who can be treated with obesity surgery.

Types of Obesity Surgery

There are many types of bariatric surgery and the most appropriate method can be chosen for the person to be treated;

Sleeve Gastrectomy (Sleeve Gastrectomy)
Gastric Band (Gastric Band)
Duodenal Switch
Gastric Bypass (Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass, RNY Gastric Bypass)
Mini Gastric Bypass (Omega Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass with Single Anastomosis)
Gastric pylication (Stomach Folding)




Before Obesity Surgery

Although different teams have different procedures for pre-stomach surgery, there are certain standards set by the world associations and national bariatric surgery associations. Detailed examinations and examinations applied to individuals before surgery should meet these criteria. Apart from meeting these criteria, the doctor and his team explain to the patient what to pay attention to before bariatric surgery.

After Obesity Surgery

After surgery, individuals should exercise regularly as recommended by the doctor, consume small meals frequently and little by little, and avoid caloric beverages. Help from a nutritionist can be obtained to gain the nutritional habits that should be adopted during this period. Obesity surgeries cannot be applied to everyone with overweight problems.

Izmir Obesity Surgery Prices 2024

You can contact Izmir obesity doctor Op. Dr. Türker Karabuğa to get information about the cost of Obesity Surgery. 

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