
After the Covid-19 epidemic, which left us all stranded at home in the past years, there has been a serious increase in the rate of obesity both in our country and in the world. Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Türker Karabuğa said that obesity can be treated with a personalized treatment plan, with surgical and non-surgical methods such as gastric balloon or stomach botox.

An Increase in Obesity was Observed

Reminding that obesity, one of the permanent effects of the pandemic, is in the second place after smoking among the preventable causes of death, Op. Dr. Türker Karabuğa said, “The increasing obesity rates show that we need to draw more attention to this issue. For example, in two studies conducted at the United Nations, it was reported that the prevalence of obesity increased by 22-27% after the pandemic.

Sedentary Life Affects

Noting that the effective factor in the increase in obesity is not only weight gain, but also a sedentary lifestyle, Op. Dr. Türker Karabuğa said, “The sedentary lifestyle, increased calorie and simple carbohydrate intake, together with sudden weight gain, mostly gathers around the waist and accordingly increases the risk of fatty liver, cardiovascular problems and diabetes, and invites metabolic syndrome, which is one of the most dangerous consequences of obesity. Even if you do not belong to the obesity class, it is not uncommon for these ailments to occur when the internal lubrication increases due to the lubrication of the waist circumference. In your tape measure measurements that you can do at home; When a waist thickness of 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men is seen, it means that danger bells are ringing for these ailments and obesity.

Why Did I Suddenly Gain Weight?

Providing information about the causes of sudden weight gain, Op. Dr. Karabuğa said, “One of the main reasons for this is inactivity. The calories you take during the day are stored as fat in the body without being burned. In addition, the curfews and the instinct of famine, and then the warehouses built in the houses, were finished in a much shorter time than determined, increasing the consumption of excessively processed food. When stress and lifestyle changes were added, it seemed impossible that nutritional disorders would not occur in the society. As a matter of fact, it happened. Now, while the traces of the pandemic are almost erased, the unhealthy habits and weight gained should be left behind," he said.

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