
Actress Gulnihal Demir fell from 126 kilos to 88 kilos after gastric sleeve surgery. Gülnihal Demir talked about how she decided to have the surgery and the changes in her life after the surgery in the column of Everything for My Health, Recovery/Weakening Stories.

But first, General Surgery Specialist from the Cordon Obesity Center, We asked Türker Karabuğa MD about sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

What is gastric sleeve surgery? For whom is a surgical indication necessary? What is gastric sleeve surgery like? Why is this method specifically called “Tube Stomach”? Are there any complications of the surgery? How long after the operation does the patient start to lose weight and does the amount of weight lost change according to the patient’s weight? Does the patient need vitamin supplementation during the period when the patient loses weight? Does the stomach allow emotional eating cravings after the operation? What kind of preparation period is required for the person who decides to have surgery? How long after sleeve gastrectomy can you get pregnant? Do extra pounds increase the chance of getting pregnant? Here are their answers…


. What is gastric sleeve surgery? For whom is a surgical indication necessary?

“Obesity is the accumulation of adipose tissue at a pathological level in the body when the amount of calories we take with food is more than the amount of calories spent. There is an index and classification method called body mass index in order to plan the treatment. This is a value obtained by dividing the person’s weight by the square of their height in meters. It is healthy values ​​to be between 18.5-25. Between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. 65 percent of Turkey’s population falls into this category. Over 30, obesity begins. It is classified as 1st degree obesity up to 35, 2nd degree obesity between 35-40 and fatal obesity above 40. Here, the critical threshold is 35, and this is the class in which we recommend surgical practice. Because up to 35 kilos can be lost with diet and sports. However, studies have shown that the success rate of sports and other alternative methods is well below 3 percent, since the amount of weight that needs to be lost exceeds 30-35 kilograms. In this case, it is necessary to resort to the surgical method. Surgery is indicated for morbidly obese patients with a level of 35 and co-morbidities or over 40 with a very high vital risk.”


. What is gastric sleeve surgery like? Why is this method specifically called “Tube Stomach”?

“There are many methods in obesity surgery. In today’s obesity surgery, sleeve gastrectomy is the most applied method in Turkey and in the world. Because the stomach takes a shape similar to a test tube, it has been defined as a tube stomach among the people. It is based on the reduction of the stomach and restriction of calorie intake. Thus, the patient begins to lose weight. It is an effective and reliable method. It is performed with a closed method called laparoscopy and the duration of the operation takes approximately 45 minutes. After the operation, you should stay in the hospital for about 3 days.”

. Are there any complications of the surgery?

“Every surgical intervention has a complication rate. However, the complication and death rates of sleeve gastrectomy surgery are not that high, as is reflected in the public opinion. It carries the risks of a gallbladder surgery. It is even lower than that. In scientific publications, the complication rate is given as 1 – 4 per cent. The complication rate of gallbladder surgery is between 2 and 5 percent. Both have really low complication rates. It is a reliable method. Mortality rates are very low compared to obesity.”


. How soon after the operation does the patient start to lose weight and does the amount of weight lost vary according to the weight of the patient?

“It varies according to the class that the patient enters in terms of body mass index. In other words, the amount of excess weight that a person carries in his body also affects the amount of weight that the person will lose. We have patients who lose 6-10 kilograms in the first 10 days. On the 10th day, there is very serious weight loss. But our aim is to return our patient to his ideal weight within the first year. In other words, it is to reduce the body mass index to 25 and below.”

. Does the patient need vitamin supplementation during the period when the patient loses weight?

“This support is rarely required for gastric sleeve surgery. While a lifetime support is required in bypass methods; If a deficiency is detected during routine check-ups in sleeve gastrectomy surgery, support can be given.”


. Does the stomach allow emotional eating cravings after the operation?

“After the operation, there is no desire to eat. Because the volume of the stomach is about 60 milliliters, which means a volume smaller than a tea glass. At the same time, since the fundus part of the stomach, where 80% of the appetite hormone is secreted, is also in the removed part, the patient’s appetite is significantly reduced. This accelerates and facilitates the adaptation process to the diet that needs to be done with that small stomach.”

. What kind of preparation period is required for the person who decides to have an operation?

“The patient goes through very detailed examinations. Important blood tests are done and some tests are passed. Blood tests include a wide range of blood tests, including looking at cortisol levels. Apart from this, it is evaluated one by one by the main branches after undergoing examinations such as endoscopy, ultrasound, chest X-ray, and echocardiography. Cardiology, internal medicine, anesthesia, endocrinology and chest diseases evaluate the patient. In this way, it becomes ready for surgery. In this process, when there is an obstacle, it is treated first and then prepared for surgery.”


. How long after sleeve gastrectomy can you get pregnant? Do extra pounds increase the chance of getting pregnant?

“After a year they are allowed to conceive. Because the first year is the period in which the ideal weight is aimed at which weight loss is maximum. When the person returns to his ideal weight after a year, there is no harm in getting pregnant. Of course, she will continue her routine check-ups by coming to the obstetrician and us. Obesity is a disease; It is also the cause of many diseases. First of all, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, reflux, gallstone formation, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, menstrual irregularities, excessive body hair and infertility come. Obesity prevents having children. Because the hormonal mechanism has completely changed and entered a reverse cycle. Therefore, as you lose weight, fertility increases.”

. How many more kilos do you foresee for Ms. Gülnihal to lose?

“She has now lost 38 kilos; It would be ideal for her to lose about 15 kilos more.”

Actress Gulnihal Demir, who lost 38 kilos as a tube stomach surgery, said that she was born again after the operation. Gülnihal Demir explained the health problems she experienced before the surgery as follows:


. How much did you weigh when you had sleeve gastrectomy surgery and how much do you weigh now?

“I went into surgery with 126 kilos. I have now lost 38 kilos and am 88 kilos. I was born again after the operation.”

. Can you tell us about your life before the operation and the changes in your life after the operation?

“I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t sleep, and I was taking painkillers every day. He also had blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep apnea, diabetes, and difficulty walking. I am 63 years old now. Last year, I was walking around the house with a cane. I couldn’t see a bed from going to the bathroom every half hour. All of these problems have disappeared. I am now born again. Now I run, I sleep; I have no sugar, no blood pressure. I can eat whatever I want, even a little. I used to take 12 pills a day, now I only take 3 pills a day. After the operation, my whole life was in order.”

. How has your appetite changed after the surgery?

“There are no limitations in any way. Everything is allowed. Of course, I used to eat too much; I eat less now and feel full quickly. But I enjoy everything.”

Source: EverythingFor My Health

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