
Sleeve gastrectomy surgery, which makes heavy-weight lives healthy, causes hair loss in some patients. Patients generally experience hair loss problems between the 2nd and 6th months after the procedure.

Patients are exposed to hair loss problems due to the lack of vitamins as a result of poor postoperative follow-up.

Causes of post-operative hair loss

A hair loss between 100 and 150 strands per day is considered normal by experts in healthy individuals. However, more hair loss indicates a problem in the body. It is said that one of the most effective causes is a lack of vitamins in the body. Even if the list given by the dietitian after the surgery is appropriate, the process of adapting the body to the changes may take a long time.

Therefore, it can be stated that the body, which is deficient in vitamins, reacts and causes hair loss. After gastric surgery, hair loss is encountered in approximately forty percent of patients. Hair loss outside the surgery is considered normal up to a certain stage, and the causes of stress eating disorder are determined as genetic factors and environmental factors. When the cause of hair loss is gastric surgery, a special treatment method might be required.

Is hair loss a permanent problem?

We can say that a person who has had stomach surgery has undergone a psychologically difficult process due to hair loss. A person who has had stomach surgery to look great and fit can be negatively affected when he ends up not looking so good with hair loss. However, with a good treatment method, permanent hair loss can be avoided.

However, it would be wrong to be definitive in this matter. Every body structure is personal and different, sometimes hair loss can cause sparseness. The problem of hair loss after stomach surgery is called telogen effuvium. This hair loss experienced by patients improves within 6 months in the normal process. It is known that hair loss is caused by the unhealthy and poor nutrition of patients.

What to do

All pre- and post-operative analyzes should be passed and vitamin support should be emphasized to prevent hair loss in patients. B12, zinc, iron and various protein supplements need to be taken and should not be considered unnecessary. It is recommended to consider all vitamins during the adaptation process in the body that will occur after surgery.

It is emphasized that blood tests should be done regularly and at least 4 times a year during the first year. If there is a hair loss problem, the treatment processes given by your doctor should be followed to the letter. Doctors usually claim that hair loss is a temporary problem. The hair loss problem experienced after the surgery starts to recover within 6 months with vitamin supplementation. In general, it is seen that the hair starts to regain its former strength and fullness.Using serums with special shampoo and conditioner kits can be helpful.

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