
Obesity after surgery, the stomach volume should be fed less and more frequently December, Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Specialist Op, who stated that it is necessary to feed. Dr. Türker Karabuğa “When the patient completes 1 year after the operation and reaches his ideal weight, there is no problem for him to fast if he does not have any related diseases that prevent him from fasting.

Of course, he should take care of his nutrition and take enough protein and energy by making regular meals. In addition, liquid consumption also becomes more important, especially during Ramadan,”he said.

Fasting is Not Recommended in the first year

Op, who said that not taking nutrients and fluids during the fasting period of up to 16-17 hours in the first year after Bariatric Surgery will not be good for the individual's weight loss process and health. Dr. Türker Karabüka,“ In addition, fasting for a long time can cause health problems such as low blood pressure, hypoglycemia to an individual.

Suddenly starting to feed after prolonged starvation can cause stomach cramps. Fluid-electrolyte balance is disturbed, metabolism slows down, and Dumping Syndrome can be observed especially in tube stomach patients who unconsciously fast with banquets given at traditional cholesterol- and carbohydrate-rich Ramadan tables,”he said.

Pay Attention to Water Consumption

Referring to the importance of making water consumption by complying with the solid-liquid distinction from Iftar to sahura, Op. Dr. Buckwheat said, "Patients who fast, especially in hot weather, lose minerals and electrolytes with the effect of thirst and sweating throughout the day.

For this reason, 1 Decanter of the water you drink between Iftar and sahur should be mixed with 1 bottle of mineral water and the lost minerals should be replaced. In addition, at least 2.5 liters of water should be consumed daily, while the time of water consumption is limited, the consumption of diuretic liquids such as tea/coffee should be avoided.

It is necessary to open the iftar with water and drink water slowly and in small sips, which can cause cramps and nausea if liquid suddenly enters the stomach that has been empty for a long time. The main meals should be divided into two, food should not be eaten suddenly in large portions. Meals should be protein- and fiber-heavy, especially simple carbohydrate consumption should be avoided. , ” he said.

Sample Diet List


Let's break the fast with water.  let's drink 1 glass of warm water in small sips. Half a small bowl of soup (soups without flour, bouillon, cream, butter) can be drunk 20 minutes after drinking water.

30 Minutes after the soup; vegetable dish with 3-4 tablespoons of meat or olive oil (potatoes, carrots, peas should not be).3 tablespoons of non-cream yogurt can be eaten. Or 60 g of meatballs/chicken/fish with salad or 3-4 tablespoons of dried legume meal with 3 tablespoons of yogurt can be preferred.


1 cup of herbal tea can be consumed. Or 1 cup of plain kefir can be consumed by passing it through a blender with 2-3 strawberries or half a ring of pineapple and 1 teaspoon of flax seeds.


omelette made of 1 egg or 1 egg

1 slice of white lean cheese

2 pecans

1 cherry tomato and 2 ring slices of cucumber

1 thin slice toasted whole wheat bread or whole wheat breadcrumbs

Sahur should be tried to be completed 1 hour before the time of adhan, so that after 30 minutes you should start drinking water and consume 2 cups of warm water at least until the time of adhan.

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